Pastor John Kilpatrick, of Brownsville Revival fame, recently preached against the witchcraft coming against President Donald Trump. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­

“I am not being political, but I don’t see how President Trump bears up under it,” Kilpatrick says in a sermon posted to Facebook. “He is as strong as I’ve ever seen a man be. But here’s what the Holy Spirit said to me last night and what He said for me to tell you. He said, ‘Tell the church that so far, Trump has been dealing with Ahab. But Jezebel’s fixing to step out from the shadows.’ That’s what the Lord said to me.” ­­­­­­­­­­­­­

The sermon was preached just days before Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations. That same day, Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manager, was found guilty on five counts of submitting false tax returns, one count of failing to report foreign bank and financial accounts, and two counts of bank fraud. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­

“[God] said, ‘Pray for him now, because he said there’s about to be a shift, and the deep state is about to manifest, and it’s going to be a showdown like you can’t believe,'” Kilpatrick said. “So, I’m coming to you as a prophet, as a man of God, and I’m telling you, it’s time to pray for the president.”

Watch the video to see more.

Pray Against Witchcraft Coming Against President Trump

Pray Against Witchcraft Coming Against President TrumpRecorded at Church of His Presence on 08-19-2018 – Pastor John Kilpatrick

Posted by Pray Alabama on Monday, 20 August 2018



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