As the next generation at African Enterprise (AE), we are excited to be building upon a great legacy and foundation. Prior to AE, when Theuns and I were asked to pastor in Franschhoek, our elders – who were also the founders of the church – said to us that it takes about 2 years for a new pastor to orientate himself. In other words, they graciously said that they did not expect anything from us for 2 years, other than to get orientated and to build relationships with the people and community.
Establishing connections
We have seen this principle at work at AE too. Getting orientated in such an expansive ministry has been a wonderful challenge, and after 2 years we feel that we are emerging from that place. We are enjoying the AE team and are finding that we are establishing friendships and trust as we work together. We are also enjoying getting to know the wider Christian community and church leaders.
God is at work
It is beautiful to see how God is at work across the Body of Christ, and how He gifts people and mobilises them for Kingdom exploits. The cross-cultural and interdenominational exposure that AE gives us has been enriching and given us great hope for the future.
Expanding and growing
Part of emerging from a place of orientation is discovering the dreams or the vision for the ministry going forward. At AE, our first point of call is evangelising the cities of Africa through word and deed in partnership with the Church. We are so grateful for God’s provision in friendship with the Luis Palau team, who are partnering with us for the Love Cape Town CityFest in November. Their second generation has been moving strongly for many years and they have really helped us to stand up in our call. Thank you too for everyone who is taking hands with us for Cape Town. Next year we have our sights set on Durban. Our Foxfire ministry, which we aim to expand, is also making a huge impact amongst the youth.
Giving honour where honour is due
Secondly, we are deeply inspired by the legacy of Michael Cassidy – who is the founder of African Enterprise. God used him in a distinctive way in our nation as a peace maker. When one reads his books, one reads the story of God’s miracle unfolding in South Africa in the 1994 peaceful transition from apartheid to democracy. It is incredible to see how someone like Cassidy was used to take initiative after initiative to help bring about change. The previous Christian generation was successful in their faith efforts for the nation, and we feel that our generation could benefit greatly from knowing this history. Cassidy’s writing is very rich in mentoring and discipleship value. We would like for this story to be more broadly known, studied, and acknowledged as a significant part of South African history. To this end, we are looking into projects to potentially get the story told in the national CAPS curriculum, having a documentary made, creating a contemporary exhibition at our conference facility, and putting the archives into professional order so that people can have access to the archive and Michael’s Library for study purposes.
Strengthening the Church
Thirdly, we have been blessed with a beautiful conference facility, tucked away in a forest, in one of Pietermaritzburg’s prettiest suburbs. It has been Michael’s prayer that it becomes a vibrant place of discipleship and evangelism training. We would love to renovate it and to see it come to its full potential, and to have a proactive conferencing programme that will strengthen the Church in Pietermaritzburg, KZN, and nationally.
Take our hands
Please pray with us that the potential of this ministry will be realised, and consider investing financially to be part of establishing this great vision. Also, please join us on the mission field, and keep preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ!
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Date published: 22/07/2019
Written by: Charlene Pauw, is the AESA legacy co-ordinator. Visit for more info.
Article source: JOY! Magazine