The Shalom Church Centre is a church ministry in Lydenburg, South Africa, that has recently secured a premises on which to build a church. They are seeking assistance to finish this church build. “We are a faith-based, non-profit organisation (NPO). We provide care, support, and spiritual guidance services for families within the community. We run church services, weekly youth services, a Sunday School, and other life skills training programmes. We offer marriage, parent, and child relationship counselling by appointment only. We provide support for survivors of abuse and rape. We are open from 08:00 to 17:00, Monday to Sunday. Our services are all free of charge.”

Shalom Church Centre is a Christian Church Ministry whose aim is to create peace between God and men, as well as among people themselves. We do this by preaching and teaching the Gospel of salvation by the Lord Jesus Christ based on the Bible. We also practice our faith by trying to help orphan children with food and clothes according to the power that God gives us. We also do counselling in the area of marriage, family problems, HIV/AIDS etc.

The church started in 1999 at a place called Emshinini Township, Coromandel, Lydenburg in South Africa. We have one church building right at Coromandel. We have another church site at a place called Skhila, where the larger population lives because it is close to town. The site has been paid in full; the only problem is we don’t have funds to build.

Johannes Ramashala (Senior Pastor)

We are asking our brothers and sisters around the world to help us in any way that the Lord leads. We have a church site on which we want to build a church, but we don’t yet have funds. We know that God has called this church to be, and we know that He will provide through His Church.

Our banking details are:
Account name: Shalom Church Centre
Account number: 9169521493
Branch: Lydenburg
Swift code: Absazajj
Bank code: 63200
Type: Savings
Country: South Africa

For Tax purposes, our details are:
Registration number :049-308(NPO)
4.Tax-exemption no :930024923.
Nb. Tax-exemption will enable you to get tax deduction. 

Our contact details are:
P.O. Box 977 Lydenburg 1120
Tel: 073 569 0635 / 073 420 7954
NPO no. 049-308 (non-profit reg. No.)
PBO tax exemption no. 930024923 (approved by commissioner of SARS)

Shalom’s service to the public include:

Awareness, Training and Prevention Services

  • Information Provision and Referral Services
  • Promoting Delayed Sexual Debut/Abstinence
  • Training, Education and Development Programmes

Psycho-Social Support

  • Abuse, Rape and Domestic Violence Survivor Support
  • Community Care, Support and Development
  • Counselling and Psychotherapy

Socio-Economic Support

  • Charity and Welfare Donations


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