Brenda Riethoven wants to show the world that people with Down syndrome are just as strong as the rest of us. That’s why the Dutch photographer started making beautiful portraits of teens with Down and the result is amazing.
The 46-year-old Brenda had a daughter (17) who has Down Syndrome. She became the inspiration for her photo series, according to Dutch News outlets.
People with Down often get underestimated, Brenda knows. “People will often ask me if ‘she’ wants anything to drink. I created this project to show that people with Down syndrome are serious people that matter in society. That’s how they want us t look at them. Not as jokers, or huggers or simply ‘stupid.’ No, they’re powerful people, and these portraits prove that.”
Brenda doesn’t have plans with her photos yet but maybe wants to make a book one day.
Date published: 26/12/2018
Written by: Tjalling Knulst
Images: Brenda Riethoven
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