“The inhabitants of the villages ceased, they ceased in Israel, until that I, Deborah, arose, that I arose a mother in Israel.” – Judges 5:7
We celebrate Women’s Day on the 9th of August. Many years ago, a group of women decided to rise up and change the narrative in South Africa.
The struggle song, Wathint’Abafazi Wathint’imbokodo (You strike a woman, you strike a rock), represented the courage and strength of women. This inherent strength and courage is clearly found in the pages of the Bible.
The Scripture above is the song of prophetess Deborah, after the defeat of the Canaanites. During this time of oppression, the nation of Israel had been under attack. Village life had ceased. People were under heavy oppression and were non-functional.
It took a woman to rise up and change the situation. Deborah gets the Word of the Lord and calls for Barak (the leader of the army) and releases him into action. Woman, you have a matriarchal anointing to activate those around you into position. But before you do so, you need to first position yourself.
In Judges 4:4 the Bible tells us that Deborah sat under a palm tree between Ramah and Bethel. An in depth look at the meaning and etymology of the name ‘Ramah’ in Hebrew actually means ‘hill’, and more specifically a high place of idol worship. Bethel means ‘house of God’. From her positioning, it is evident that Deborah was an intercessor. She was standing in the gap speaking against idolatry and directing the people to the house of God. As she sat in her position, Deborah was able to activate others into their purpose.
Woman, you have the courage and the strength to change situations for the glory of God. To activate your church to be functional in the Kingdom, to activate your husband back into headship. You have the power to activate your children into purpose. As a woman, you are a birther, so rise up from your position in Christ and birth something new!
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Date published: 24/07/2019
Written by: Debbie Reddy, Senior Pastor and Co-founder of Cornerstone Christian Family Church situated in Heidelberg, Gauteng. She is a dynamic preacher, intercessor, and prophetess who is actively involved in empowering and shaping the lives of women. Email: dsreddy@mweb.co.za
Article source: JOY! Magazine