The South African economy is in a perilous state. State-Owned Enterprises have been run into the ground by ANC cadres and many of them suffer crippling debt. Remarkably, the South African government is recouping the stolen billions – not from its corrupt ANC officials and the Gupta family – but from the already overburdened tax payer.

Reports of corruption, fraud, and money laundering in South Africa continue to pour in. Eskom, the embattled power utility, reportedly made a $2.5 billion loan from China. However, the R100 million siphoned from previous loans by the Gupta criminal enterprise has not yet been recouped.

The ANC ruled government facilitated the looting of state coffers on a mind-boggling scale. They also allowed the Gupta family to flee the country with billions of taxpayers’ money by undermining the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) and crippling the nation’s law-enforcement agencies. 

Testimony at the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture reveals shocking examples of state corruption and gross mismanagement that borders on treason. The ANC-led government actually outsourced its constitutional and governing duties to a foreign crime family for financial gain.

Incredibly, the ANC now blames the critical state of the economy on the disastrous administration of former president, Jacob Zuma. However, despite mountains of evidence linking Jacob Zuma and his family to corruption and gross mismanagement – the ANC fiercely defended its leader.

The ruling party voted to protect its corrupt leader in no less than 8 motions-of no-confidence in Parliament. Shockingly, many of those implicated in the looting still enjoy prominent positions. 

As a consequence, the South African economy is in a perilous state. State Owned Enterprises have been run into the ground by ANC cadres and many of them suffer crippling debt.

Remarkably, the South African government is recouping the stolen billions – not from its corrupt ANC officials and the Gupta family – but from the already overburdened tax payer. 

The increase in VAT, fuel, electricity, and other government services is a result of lost billions – either stolen by government officials or wasted by corrupt and incompetent state appointees.

South Africa needs a government consisting of competent men and women of integrity who hate dishonest gain & who fear God. The good people of this nation can make this a reality in 2019.

Value Your Vote – Vote Your Values, or be ruled by the corrupt and the wicked indefinitely.

Written by: Errol Naidoo 
Article Source: Family Policy Institute


  1. This is what happens where there are Governments with socialist (marxist) tendencies. It always becomes a case of some animals being more equal than others. Just look at the situation in Venezuela. They say the definition of insanity (or is it stupidity? ) is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results. As long as this ideology persists, you can expect more corruption, mismanagement and poverty.


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