Local cancer survivor, Beverly Chetty (48) is ready to share her story with the world. It was 20 years ago when the Malvern resident started to experience extreme headaches. The doctors informed her that these were more than just headaches, these pains were the result of a tumour. Chetty had been diagnosed with Medulla Blastoma. Her options were either surgery or paralysis. She had no option but to remove the tumour that was present in her brain. After the successful removal of the tumour, she then had to undergo an agonising amount of chemotherapy and radiation.

Diagnosed a second time
Twenty years had gone by and she found that history was repeating itself. Twenty years after the removal of her first tumour, a second was found. This may not have been her first tumour, but it certainly was a different experience. The tumour was once again successfully removed, although this time there was no need for chemo or radiation. After being discharged from the ICU, Chetty realised that she could no longer walk, the left side of her body was completely paralysed. 

A chance to share her story
She had to undergo a copious amount of physiotherapy so that she was able to walk again. Once she had recovered from the removal of her first tumour, she had the idea to document her journey in a biography and, as time passed, life went on and the idea of a biography was placed on hold. She has two beautiful daughters, Bianca and Mellissa, with her husband, Melvin. Once she recovered from the removal of her second tumour, she realised how blessed she was to have survived this not once but twice. 

“This was truly a miracle, for it to happen twice and for me to survive both times. I never thought I was going to survive this – not twice. This miracle occurred through an endless amount of prayer. Two chances of being brought back to life, this is the time to use this experience to help other people. There were times where I asked God to let me die, I didn’t think I had the strength to survive but I did. This experience showed me the strength that I possess. I can face anything that comes my way. I want to give people hope; I want to inspire people. I want people to know that their miracle is on the way,” she said.

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Date published: 23/07/2019
Article source: JOY! Magazine*

*This article was modified for publication in JOY! Magazine


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