It often seems like the mainstream media will criticize President Donald Trump and first lady Melania for virtually anything they say or do.
The Trumps simply can’t win with the media, no matter what.
That disturbing pattern of behavior has caught the attention of a great many Americans, including evangelist Franklin Graham, who took to Facebook to lament the “vicious and relentless” attacks from the media against Trump, especially during the holiday season.
Graham is the son of the late evangelist Billy Graham, and serves as the head of his father’s organization — the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association — as well as his own charitable organization, Samaritan’s Purse.
“Well, it’s just after Christmas — and I’m tired. How about you? Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy seeing family and friends and hearing from people I haven’t heard from in a long time,” Graham wrote.
“But I’m tired, and it’s not just the season. I’m tired of all the fighting in Washington,” he continued. “You can’t turn on the news or read the headlines online without being overwhelmed by all of the political squabbling (to put it mildly).”
“The news media are so vicious and relentless in their fault finding and their attacks on the President. It’s just sickening,” he wrote. “We have the potential for so much good and so much progress for our nation, but Washington is squandering it away over political agendas.”
“I’m thankful that I have put my faith and trust in God who never grows weary and is never shut down, no matter what the problems are,” Graham added.
He concluded his post with a verse of Scripture, Isaiah 40:28, which reads, “The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary.”
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Well, it’s the day after Christmas—and I’m tired. How about you? Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy seeing family and friends…
Posted by Franklin Graham on Wednesday, 26 December 2018
Though Graham declined to offer any specific examples of the media’s “vicious and relentless” attacks on Trump in recent days, there were an abundance that he could have chosen from if he had so desired, from the partial government shutdown over border security funding to the decision to withdraw troops from Syria, and from the sudden resignation of Defense Secretary James Mattis to Trump’s surprise post-Christmas visit to troops in Iraq and Germany — even to the tragic deaths of illegal immigrant children while in U.S. Border Patrol custody.
All of those things, and then some, have been used by the liberal “journalists” in some form or fashion to bash Trump.
Graham did cite the media’s over-the-top reaction to Trump’s visit to Iraq in a separate Facebook post Wednesday evening, which began as criticism for not going to visit the troops and then immediately transformed into criticism of what he said and did with the troops once the visit was publicized.
After first expressing gratitude for the president taking the time to visit with the troops in a war zone, Graham wrote: “The last few days, the media has enjoyed criticizing him for staying ‘home alone’ at the White House. Well, surprise, surprise — he and First Lady Melania Trump went to Iraq.”
“Yes, the president was in Washington working while most other politicians had gone home for the Christmas holidays. The media doesn’t want to acknowledge anything positive. They’re just out for another negative Trump headline,” he added.
Graham hit the nail on the head in both of his Facebook posts when he pointed out how the liberal media seem to be incessantly focused on attacking Trump simply for the sake of attacking him, rather than provide fair and objective coverage of the news of the day, which sometimes would involve granting Trump credit and goodwill for saying and doing good things … like visiting troops in a combat zone at Christmastime.
Date published: 30/12/2018
Written by: Ben Marquis
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