The Feast of Tabernacle “Dare to Dream” celebration in Jerusalem over Sukkot was a great success and enjoyed by over 5000 Christians who came up from around 80 nations to celebrate together. I remember Rabbi Riskin’s words at a previous Feast, “When I see all of the 1000’s of Christians who have come up from the nations to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, then I can hear the footsteps of the Messiah…”.
Celebrating Israel’s 70th birthday was an extra reason for rejoicing all over the land. There were sukka’s/booths on balconies and patios and families often invited guests to join them in sharing meals. The mood was festive and young and old took to the street to dance and rejoice as God commanded them to do, often calling for the Messiah to come!
It is a tangible reminder of God’s care and faithfulness in providing and protecting them through the wilderness years. May we learn the lessons from Israel and not grow weary, as we trust Him and follow after Him in our journey towards the “promised land”. Sukkot/ Tabernacles, reminds us that there is no trial or wilderness that He cannot bring us through!
I was again struck by the significance of Yeshua going up to Jerusalem to keep “the Feast”. On the last day of the feast when the priests were pouring the water over the alter and it ran down the steps, the people sang from the Song of Moses “open for us the wells of salvation…” and Yeshua stood up and cried out those beautiful words…
On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” John 7:37,38
The lessons are clear – Trust Him and follow after Him and He will keep you and guide you towards the rest and joy that we will enter into with the final triumph of the Kingdom, when Messiah appears and comes to tabernacle with us on this earth us again… It will be the completion of our salvation journey and the triumph of the Kingdom of God!
Consider joining us next year at the Feast celebration – ICEJ tour dates are around the 10th to the 22nd October.
There is always opportunity to volunteer to be part of the Feast team. The South Africans were once again well represented (the photo isn’t all of the SA Volunteers). Consider joining the Feast volunteer team next year and experience it for yourself…
Desiree Rutgers (3rd from the left) shares her experience with us:
“My dream to visit Israel materialised in 1998 with our congregation. Seventeen years later the yearning to visit Israel surfaced but I knew that I wanted a different experience and after researching the internet for various options I came across the website of the ICEJ and the information about the annual Feast of Tabernacles celebration. I was excited at the possibility of being in Jerusalem again, especially at this significant time of worshipping and rejoicing at the Feast and I feel that serving as a Feast volunteer is part of my worship to God.
We are a team of 250 people from different backgrounds and ethnicities where language often poses a challenge, but Praise God we have this one common goal; To be of service for Gods Kingdom Purposes.
2018 was my third year of been involved in the catering department. Our small team of 8 people prepare a daily cooked lunch for around 120 volunteers as well as salad snacks etc. while they are working at the Pais Arena.
In 2015 when I first applied to become a feast team volunteer, I wasn’t exactly sure what I was signing up for. This has been my third year now and I can truly say that it is life changing. Meeting people, hearing their stories, looking into their eyes and just loving on each other makes whatever you are going through personally of less importance.
Ezekiel 36v8-12; 24-28 speaks about how God will once again visit His people, His land and bring about His restoration. My eyes are fixed upon Him and trusting that I can do all that He is calling me to do at this time and I also know the truth of the verse in Genesis 12v3 – “I will bless those who bless you . . . And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.’”
Date published: 16/10/2018
Written by: Vivienne Myburgh
Article source: ICEJ