Jacques Malan was born in Oudtshoorn and spent his youth in Swellendam, where he matriculated. He grew up in a very conservative and strict home without good spiritual and moral guidance. The unstable marriage between his parents left Jacques trying to work out life for himself – especially after their divorce in his final school year. He finished his schooling and left home for 2 years of Military Service, part of which he served on the Angolan border. He then joined the South African Police where he performed duties in various specialised units. In 2001 he married Colette, then in 2003 he resigned as an officer.

God spoke to Jacques
During later years, Jacques worked abroad for 6 years, where he served as a security specialist in war-stricken and high-risk countries. In 2009, the Holy Spirit revealed to him his life purpose that God designed him for – a task that included the South African nation. “I remember distinctly how I was standing in the desert of Yemen, crying out to God, asking Him why I needed to be there and seeing these terrible things. His answer was clear. The Father said, ‘Through many years I taught you to be a soldier, to fight wars, to understand weapons, to know strategies of war, to know what war is about. Now I want you to go back and apply all these things I taught you in the spiritual world. Also, teach others their weapons of warfare, their spiritual giftings, and teach them the tactics of the spiritual world where you learnt to conquer. Teach them about their own identity and purpose, so they can grow into My body and My Bride.’ These moments radically changed my life forever.” 

The birth of a ministry
This is where the ministry vehicle of Father’s Voice was born. A vessel with a very specific task, faceless and no specific denomination – only the truth about Christ that matters. Jacques soon found himself teaching people the importance of unity within the Body of Christ. He is a firm believer in tapping into the gifts of others and therefore often brings together a team to minister with him. “Father’s Voice became an anointed vessel, with a specialised task to fulfil prophecies written and spoken over some of us. We were called to teach people about identity (to really know who you are) and purpose (why exactly you are alive on this earth today).” By understanding these two principles, people start to find their spiritual functions and also help others.

Transforming South Africa into a Godly nation
Through Father’s Voice, Jacques is mentoring many businessmen, groups, and other spiritual leaders all over South Africa. He is actively demonstrating God’s gifts of healing, teaching, and the prophetic. He is also fathering people into their purpose to see South Africa transform into a Covenant Kingdom nation.  

National strategy:
Today we can all say, ‘Our country needs help, fast’. Many cannot wait to see what/if the government can get it right over the next few years. No, as Christians, we have to act! The Body of Christ is the answer, as Jesus is the answer! The truth is this: He needs us to do His work! We have to be Jesus to this nation! In order to do that, the Body of Christ needs to be gathered and equipped to know the purpose and identity of the Church – to be Jesus to all others. The vehicle for the process is getting back to basics. In the book of Acts we see ‘home fellowships’ were born, families gathered together and they cared for another. The fathers of the families could be the king, prophet, and priest in the house – looking after their family. In this Godly environment, families come together; they teach and help each other – discipling others. Through this, they grow into healthy faith communities.

Faith communities will bring change
Forming faith communities all over South Africa will again establish the Biblical structure. It will strengthen the role of the father in the house, equipping men with the physical, moral, and spiritual capabilities to look after their families. Then healthy families can take part in community service that will enrich the surrounding areas. South Africa is ready for this! Our nation is hungry for better schools, good healthcare, no corruption, and good governance. That’s how we know that the Body of Christ is the answer – and together we can bring about change! Many all over South Africa are already working together to see this result – and our Saviour, Jesus Christ, is right in front, helping us, guiding us. 

The heart of Jacques
The heart of Jacques Malan is to equip the Church so we can grow into oneness, and the building of the Body of Christ in our nation, family by family.
“Today this is my treasure, my wealth – I have made friends all over SA who truly love Christ, people who became my true family, and today we live Christ together in oneness with each other and one with Him! What a master plan of our Father!”

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Date published: 19/07/2019
Article source: JOY! Magazine


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