Her heart’s on the line every time the film starts rolling.

M.J. Nixon is the visionary behind a transformative documentary, Here’s My Heart, that tells the truth: Jesus will set men and women free from homosexuality, gender confusion and other lies the enemy perpetuates.

Nixon is also the CEO of Uprooted Heart Inc., a 501(c)(3) outreach geared to delivering testimonies of men and women who have found freedom in Christ. Their mission is to help those currently in homosexuality and lead them to a life of transformation in relationship with Jesus. Uprooted Heart Inc. is also geared towards helping those who have transitioned out of the LGBTQ lifestyle to maintain a pure walk by bridging them to ministries who offer mentorship, counseling and accountability. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­

Here’s My Heart began filming in March 2017 and now plays in film festivals across the country. Twelve men and women share their testimonies about radical freedom and the incredible love they now experience with Jesus Christ.

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Nixon, a passionate, Spirit-filled believer, knows firsthand how that freedom is achieved.

“My experience with homosexuality starting as a young child, believing I was born that way, moving into adulthood having many relationships with women, the most significant relationship lasting over 5 years,” Nixon tells Charisma News. “Having become a believer during that relationship, my eyes were open to the sin through the Word of God. Having gone through my own transformation, I am able to meet people with compassion, knowing what they will have to go through coming out of the lifestyle, but with the truth of a God who loves them too much to keep them there.”

Nixon is part of a fearless group of “overcomers,” that is, men and women who have chosen to reject homosexuality/gender lies in favor of God’s grace and salvation. Together, they are working on more documentaries and Freedom Marches around the country. Freedom Marches are gatherings where people who have been set free from LGBTQ lifestyle publicly join together to share their testimonies, worship and pray. The next march is scheduled for Nov. 4 in Los Angeles.

Others in the freedom family include Jeffrey McCallAngel Colon and Luis Javier Ruiz.

Though McCall is featured in the first documentary, Colon and Ruiz are slated to appear in the next installment. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­

Each man and woman in the freedom family feel compelled to share their story in the platforms they’ve been given. For McCall, it’s the Freedom March; for Colon and Ruiz, it’s surviving the Pulse massacre; and for Nixon, it’s these documentaries.

Nixon says she had a vision from the Lord that led her to launch the project and relies on the Holy Spirit to guide her both in her work and personal life.

“The Holy Spirit plays a vital role in my continual freedom in that I have been set free from the lie of my identity being a homosexual, but that does not mean that there is no temptation in my flesh,” Nixon says. “That is why I lean on Holy Spirit to guide me. There is the fight to get free and the fight to stay free, and He is instrumental in that process.”

She’s also experienced major spiritual warfare as culture pushes for same-sex attraction and changing genders to become the norm.

“We all need to be equipped to fight the principalities (Eph. 6:12) and dark forces around us that would not like us to be free or set others free,” Nixon says. “As Christians, we all need to be prepared to fight the flesh, the world and the enemy as we steadfastly run the race home.”

Though the film is overtly Christian, Nixon says it’s a work both believers and non-believers alike should watch. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­

“It is important for believers because it equips them to share the gospel in an approachable and effective way with those still in the lifestyle and it invites them to look at their own sin because this documentary goes beyond LGBTQ sin,” Nixon says. “It is important for non-believers because it shares the gospel of redemption in a raw, uncensored, non-judgmental way. It is very relatable because it is our life stories.”

She and her team are spreading the message through all forms of media including TV stations, radio, social media, word of mouth, Freedom Marches and churches interested in hosting screenings.

“The response to the film has been amazing in that many who have been silenced, shamed and isolated because of events in their past related to LGBTQ or currently in a closeted relationship have been able to come forth in vulnerability after the showing of the film, and we have gotten to pray for countless parents with children in the lifestyle,” Nixon says. “This is a controversial topic within the church, and this documentary is a way to bring this topic up in a safe, loving, non-condemning and truthful way. It is the message of the gospel.”

She continues: “I live by Genesis 50:20, I thank the Lord that everything that was meant to harm me, He has turned around for good, for the saving of many souls. I want to encourage parents not to give up or to give in the fight over their children’s identity. If you are currently struggling and reading this article, know that God has not forsaken you. You have purpose, and who God says you are is greater than your current struggle.”

Written by: Jessilyn Justice
Feature image: Ieacha Lusk and M.J. Nixon on the set of “Here’s My Heart.” (MJ Nixon/Courtesy)
Article source: www.charismamag.com


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