New York University’s Congo Research Group and the Bridgeway Foundation, on Thursday 15 November, have raised concern over growing ties between Islamist rebel group in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) with Islamic State, (IS) Boko Haram in Nigeria and Al Qaeda (operating in the Maghreb in the Sahel region) and radical terrorists groups in Africa. 

The report, which cited U.S. sources and a defector, said ADF has received money from Islamist “financial facilitator” Waleed Ahmed Zein at least once, suggesting some ties between the ADF and other jihadists in Africa. 

“The group appears to be making a tentative attempt to align itself with other militant Islamist groups, calling itself Madina at Tauheed Wau Mujahedeen… Several videos feature a flag similar to that used by ISIS, Al-Shabaab, Al-Qaeda, and Boko Haram, and placing a strong emphasis on a radical, violent interpretation of the Quran.” The report added that “the ADF appear to be … becoming more interested in broadcasting their messages to a wider … audience and are attempting to present themselves within a broader setting of radical jihadi groups,”  

Christians, and non christians in Nigeria, have continued to express concerns at the growing affiliation of radical Islamic groups in the West Africa region. “The focal point of Islamic terrorism in the world is now based in the Maghreb and we need to be worried. Christians, churches and groups need to be concerned not just the international community.” A Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) executive member said in Maiduguri. “African countries do not seem to be as concerned, especially the governments. But look at it, all the presidents in the region are Muslims, so it will not be a surprise if they do not see this as nay big deal.” The CAN executive told Global Christian News in August. 

The ADF is a Ugandan Muslims radical Islamic sect which has been operating since the 1990s, fighting for the rights of an Islamic sect, the Tablighi Jamaat, which has been described as a possible radicalising agent for Jihadism. 

Date published: 29/11/2018
Written by: Hassan John
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