WGO Vervaardig “Wêreldgesondheidskrisis” Om Globale Pandemie Verdrag Te Regverdig
Die Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie (WGO) probeer om wêreldwye beheer te vestig deur gebruik te maak van die voorgestelde "Globale Pandemie...
Bill Gates, China & Your DNA – The Race To Control...
Recent reports reveal that a Chinese company with connections to the Gates Foundation is involved in COVID-19 testing and poses a potential threat...
Artificial Intelligence Set To Monitor Patients At Israel’s Biggest Hospital
Tuesday, 10 September 2019 | Israel’s biggest hospital is testing out a new system that uses cameras, sensors and artificial intelligence...
Jesus praat my taal
Vier toegewyde Bybelvertalers het hulleself 25 jaar lank besig gehou met die uitlewing van ‘n besonderse roeping: vertaling van die Bybel
Biden Administration Stands Up For Religious Freedom Against China Worship Restrictions
The Biden administration recently took aim at China and a number of other countries for repressing religious freedom as it forges ahead with its aim of...
Israel Slams Turkish President For Slandering Jewish State At UN
Top Israeli officials slammed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday for a series of comments he made smearing the Jewish state...
Nuwe Lof – in my taal!
Die visioen in Openbaring 7 weerklink steeds oor die aarde en in die hemele: Elke volk, stam en taal sal voor die troon van Christus buig en Hom aanbid...
Over 10,000 Flee Ongoing Jihadist Attacks In Niger
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) sent a report to Agence France-Presse (AFP) on Monday stating...
Hundreds Of Religious Leaders Meet To Discuss New SA Marriage Laws
I attended the “Ministerial Dialogue with Religious Leaders” in Johannesburg on 26 September. Hosted by the Department of Home Affairs...
Suicide Cases Among Syrian Children Rising Sharply
The suicide rate among Syrian youth is rising, according to Save the Children which recorded 246 suicides and 1,748 attempts among young Syrians...
Massive 5000-Year-Old Canaanite Metropolis Unearthed In The Holy Land
The unearthed Canaanite city, north of Tel Aviv, covers approximately 650,000 square meters.A sprawling 5,000-year-old Canaanite city has...
10 Biggest Streaming Churches And The Software They Use
Technology is rapidly changing the way churches are welcoming people to worship services and sermons. “Whether you are joining us in person or online...
Tens Of Thousands March In Paris For Children’s Right To A...
Tens of thousands of people in Paris have marched against changing French law to allow single women and lesbian couples to have IVF treatment...
Biden And Putin Satisfied With First Face-To-Face Summit
On Wednesday 16 June, US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin met for their first, highly anticipated summit, in Geneva, Switzerland...
‘God Is At Work With Politicians And Culturally Engaged People In...
Danish evangelical denominations outside the Lutheran state church, have came together and created an umbrella organisation called...
New Law Requires Florida Students To Be Taught About ‘The Evils...
High school students in Florida will be required to learn about “the evils of communism” under one of three bills Gov. Ron DeSantis signed on Tuesday...
Belgium Considers Assisted Suicide For 23-Year-Old With ‘Poor Mental Health’
A 23-year-old woman is being assessed to determine whether she can be killed by doctors because of her mental health problems.Kelly, from Belgium...
Muslim Minibus Driver Saves Lives Of Christian Passengers In Kenya, Foiling...
A Muslim minibus driver saved the lives of his eight Christian passengers in Kenya on 30 October when he refused to obey the orders of Islamist...
Kanye West And … The Next Great Awakening?
Much buzz has surrounded the recent profession of faith by hip-hop artist Kanye West. We’re fascinated by his outspoken desire to share...
Population Control In China Has Led To Widespread Pregnancy Discrimination
A new report from Human Rights Watch has detailed the widespread pregnancy discrimination women face in China. According to the report...