Three-fourths of Americans agree that Christmas should be celebrated in public schools, says a Rasmussen Reports poll conducted the same week that a Nebraska elementary school principal banned Christmas in her school, right down to candy canes, Christmas trees, Santa Claus, the colors red and green and “Elf on the Shelf” items.
“Most Americans continue to believe Christmas should be celebrated in public schools, and that there’s a place for religious symbols on public land,” said the poll analysis, which found that 74 percent of the respondents agreed that Christmas should be celebrated in public schools.
Fourteen percent disagreed, 12 percent were unsure in the survey, conducted Dec. 6-9.
The outcome of the Nebraska school Christmas ban suggests others may agree with these findings.
“Elementary school principal tried to ban Christmas. It didn’t go well,” reported the Omaha World-Herald.
Date published: 17/12/2018
Written by: Jennifer Harper
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