- Pray for the safety and protection for South Africans, using Psalms 91
- Pray for elections that are free of fraud, corruption, and intimidation
- Pray for South Africa to turn and seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, according to Matthew 6:33
- Pray for the Body of Christ to stand in its ecclesiastical mandate to facilitate legislative and cultural transformation in the nation, using Matthew 16:18-19
- Pray for the Body of Christ’s eyes to be opened to see the hope to which we are called, according to Ephesians 1:18
- Pray for Believers to share their faith and their values during the elections, according to Mark 16:15
- Pray for voters to seek wisdom from God, according to James 1:5
- Pray for voters to seek discernment to choose wisely and discern between truth and false representation, according to Hosea 14:9 and Philippians 1: 9-10
- Pray for voters to properly consider the policies of candidates and their alignment to Biblical principles
- Pray for parties to walk in righteousness, according to Proverbs 14:34
- Pray for the spiritual eyes and understanding of political parties to be opened and for them to address real issues
- Pray for political parties to honour and respect one another before, during, and after the elections
- Pray for candidates to take a stand for righteousness
- Pray for the safety of candidates & their families
- Pray for the candidates to focus on national issues, not personal attacks and insults
- Pray for leaders to be surrounded by Godly advisors
- Pray the election of new leaders who will take South Africa by the hand, according to Proverbs 11:14 and Isaiah 51:18
- Pray for leaders who will stand in righteousness and take Godly decisions, according to Psalm 97:2
- Pray for accurate and truthful reporting and fair election coverage
- Pray that that there will be no media bias
- Pray that life and hope will be the main message of the media
- Pray for South Africa to support Israel, according to Genesis 3:12
- Pray for God’s purpose to prevail for South Africa
- Pray for righteousness in the nation, according to Proverbs 11:14 and for South Africa to walk in righteousness that the Lord will exalt the nation!
Written by: Dr. Pearl Kupe
Dr. Pearl Kupe is an attorney, Executive Coach & International consultant to World leaders & International organizations. Email
Article source: JOY! Magazine
Excellent prayer points. This list should be put into the hands of all Bible believing Christians who are praying for our country.
I totally agree. Seek the Lord’s guidance and do not vote for a party that has policies against God’s word.