A group of Canadian pastors have sent a strong and clear message that they are taking a stand for their Biblical world view and that they intend to oppose the implementation of SOGI 123 in schools in British Columbia (BC), the western most province of Canada.

SOGI (Sexual Orientations and Gender Identities) strives to “help educators make schools inclusive and safe for students of all sexual orientations and gender identities.”

According to Focus on the Family more than 300 states and municipalities have added “sexual orientation” and, less frequently, “gender identity” to non-discrimination laws that deal with education, housing, employment and public accommodations. Violation of these special protections can lead to investigations by local, state or federal human rights commissions; lawsuits; fines, legal fees; and orders to conduct or attend “re-education classes.” Existing non-discrimination laws with “sexual orientation and gender identity” added are often referred to as “SOGI” laws.

Focus on the family’s main opposition stems from the fact that these laws are based on a skewed notion human identity. The concepts of “sexual orientation and gender identity” conflict with Scripture and Christianity, especially beliefs about what it means to be made in the image of God.

The SOGI laws have become a way to trump freedom of speech, religion and association. Special SOGI protections also threaten safety, privacy, and the right of parents to direct their children’s education and safeguard their children’s innocence. (www.focusonthefamily.com) 

In a WhatsApp message, going viral in Christian circles, five representatives of the West Coast Christian Accord (westcoastchristianaccord.com) voice their protest, and call on other Christians to join their cause.

Pastor Kevin Cavenaugh of Cedar Grove Church opens the statement and describes it as a “monumental meeting” and “historic moment”. “21 days ago on Thursday night September the 6th pastor Dave Carson and I made an official proclamation from Grace Chapel in New Westminster, calling pastors, churches and Christian people to 21 days of fasting and prayer. For the last 21 days, prayer meetings have been conducted . . . Today is that 21st day. We stand here on behalf of 200 pastors and nearly 1 000 signatories. We are hereby revealing for the first time the West Coast Christian Accord (WCCA), which in 14 articles provides a Biblical statement on the supremacy of Christ, the authority of Scripture, salvation, marriage, sexual orientation and gender identity. We are also issuing a strong public statement and announcing our commitment to stop the teaching of SOGI 123 in our BC schools. We are now ready to reveal these documents.”

Pastoor Guillo Gabeli of the West Coast Community Church explains the mission of WCCA, “After much consideration and prayer, today we are releasing the west Coast Christian Accord. A statement signed by more than 200 pastors and Christian leaders. Focussing authoritatively on the teachings of the Bible on sexuality, marriage and gender. God’s word is true bringing life, hope and purpose to all those who hear and obey it. For far too long, many of us in the evangelical churches have been dismissed, intimidated, bullied and even threated because of our Biblical world view regarding human sexuality – a world view that is not only based on the time honoured truths of the Bible, but is a view protected by Canadian law. Late last year we as Christian leaders became aware of the SOGI agenda, surreptitiously targeting our BC schools . At no time were we consulted or asked for any input by the ministry of education. We also became aware that parents, those duty bound to protect children, were unlawfully omitted form the process, despite legal requirements concerning the involvement of parents in setting the goals, policies and educational services for the BC education system.” 

Laura-Lynn Thompson, the co-host for the national daily show, The 700 Club Canada, had strong words. “The signatories of the accord will not stay silent while the nation is being destroyed and sit idly by while unclothed girls are forced to change with males, for fear of being labelled as hateful … we will not permit misinformation about biological reality and identity to undermine the teachings of the Christian faith. We will not remain silent as children are brainwashed to reject heterosexuality and embrace gender fluidity, homosexuality, pansexuality, bisexuality and other forms of sexual behaviours.”

Cavenaugh echo’d her words when he said, “We will not sacrifice our children to be given over to unhealthy practices that can lead to disease, death, depression, loneliness, confusion and the loss of their God-given identities.” 

He calls on “courageous pastors and Christians leaders and the faithful followers of Jesus Christ to arise” and stand with WCCA to “protect the hearts, minds and spirits of the most vulnerable” – the children.

1 Petrus 4:17 warns us, ‘For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?”

These Canadian pastors are taking this Scripture seriously.

Date published: 09/10/2018
Written by: Lourieke Haller
Article Source: JOY! News



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